<< dglasser | up | pre-1990 >> |
inkspot-1.jpg [258k, 1280x842] |
inkspot-2.jpg [256k, 1280x807] |
inkspot-3.jpg [250k, 862x1280] |
jwr-doug-parki.jpg [243k, 1200x781] |
Debbie, Douyg, Parki and Jeff gather round for a healthy sub repast. | The view from the front door. That's Debbie's office area ahead to the right [towards which Debbie is walking]. The opposite corner is, I think, where Jeff sits. To the immediate left is a wall, over which one can find the fridge and ladder. | A good shot of the full height of the Inkspot offices. Note the white fridge sticking out at the back.. | The tech team attempt to revive a 1984 Macintosh from Cryonic Suspension, to no avail. A crucial floppy drive seemed to be non-functional. A clone will have to be grown from tissue samples.. |
r2e2.jpg [237k, 1280x801] |