This page of links is, itself, quite lame. It is preliminary, and will be replaced by something that looks decent when time permits.
The links below take you to various collections of digital photographs from various Filk conventions (and maybe others as well) taken by Daniel Glasser (or at least with his camera).
Chicon 2000 Various sets of pictures from the Worldcon in Chicago.
OVFF 2000 (set 1) (or as a web page)
These are the first set of OVFF 2000 pictures that have been on the net for a while
now. They include the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, Talis Kimberly and her reaction to Melissa's
green boots, and the Interfilk Auction (including Talis' truffle induced swoon).
OVFF 2000 (set 2)
A few more pictures (taken at the dead dog) with Judith Hayman's reaction to
Steve Macdonald playing "Far From The Harbor" (Kip's reaction too), followed
by her retaliation with "Yukk!".
GaFilk 2001 (unedited)
These pictures have not been sorted, culled, rotated, or fixed in any other ways.
Many of them are blurry or too dark -- sorry.
Mystery God Confusion (2001)
Some pictures from Mystery God Confusion at the end of January, 2001.
Because I was part of the Filk Programming chair, I didn't have much of a chance to take pictues, so all of these are from the end of the Deep Fried Lemurs production of "Who's Lemur is it anyway", and from the Filk programming item "The Grim Roper and the Osemen of the apocolypse".
FKO 11 (2001)
A bunch of pictures taken at FKO 11 in 2001 in Toronto. As with many others that you will find here, no commentary or identification, just pictures.
Marcon 36 (2001)
A collection of pictures from Marcon 36, held in Columbus, OH, over Memorial Day weekend. You will see mostly pictures from the filk concerts, plus a few from open filking and one or two (or more) others. This includes several mpeg animations, including one from the Ookla the Mok concert.
There are no comments or descriptions as yet. The mpeg files can be found at the end of the last page of thumbnails.
Conterpoint 4: Rockville, MD.
I only got pictures on Saturday and Sunday because I left the camera out in the car and the Gulf of Mexico was being dumped into the parking lot from the sky that evening.
Confluence 13: Pittsburgh, PA.
These pictures do not have any captions yet. I'll take care of that soon, I hope. For now, you'll just have to make up your own descriptions.
Not very many pictures from The Millenium Philcon. Note that these have not been annotated or anything yet.
OVFF-17 rush pictures. These are the preliminary shots from OVFF17. Some of these are quite large at the moment. Sorry about that. No comments beyond that yet. Wish you were here.
GaFilkliFaG (GaFilk4, January 2002) raw pictures.These are the un-rotated and unscaled pictures. I hope to caption them soon.
Contable Fortean (C14, UK FilkCon February 2002), Raw pictures.