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320 | 320x240 versions of these pictures |
Name | Size | Age |
zorro-group-boot-panel.pdf | 358k | 18 years old |
A PDF in the exact dimensions required by Mac OS X's boot panel. Save this file under the name: to see it at boot startup time. Make sure you save your old boot panel somewhere, too!/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemStarter/QuartzDisplay.bundle/Resources/BootPanel.pdf |
zorro-group-blur-all.jpg [155k, 1222x748] |
zorro-group-blur-bg.jpg [159k, 1222x748] |
zorro-group-hatch.jpg [384k, 1222x748] |
zorro-group-motion-blur.jpg [144k, 1222x748] |
Used "Smart Blur" on whole image. Note [lack of] detail in Ivan's pants and Iain's jacket. | Used "Smart Blur" on only the background. Note the [lack of] detail of reflections in car windows. | Simple Cross-Hatch filter on background. | Motion Blur filter on background. |
zorro-group.jpg [166k, 1600x855] |