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Zia Incoronata, Ma and Angela in Boiano. (I absolutely refuse to put a "j" instead of the "i" in Boiano. They seem to do that a lot now, but there are no j's in Italian, so I refuse.) | Zia Incoronata in the foreground. She's married to Zio Nicola, and we stayed at their house in Incoronata. I definitely remember her when Reid and I went to Italy. We were amazed with her blond hair/blue eyes. She looked so German. Led credence to my cousin's tale of the origins of Macchiagodena, which he says means "place of the Godi", which Reid and I took to mean Goths. Supposedly, the Goths came through and left, but a bunch of them stayed behind in Macchiagodena. She's known as "the blond" to everyone around there. (Whenever we talked of her, using her name, people would say -- oh, you mean "the blond"). In fact, many people had such nicknames, and were used more often than their given names. | Dropped in on Ma's cousin, Antonio, at his shoe repair shop in Boiano. He closed up shop and brought us to his mother's old house. (His mother was ma's mother's sister.) | Ma, Zio Antonio, his daughter Patrizia, Me, Mario and Matteo. |
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Zio Antonio and Ma in front of his mother's house. (Patrizia lives next door.) | Zio Antonio took us to his home, where his wife and her friends are making tomato sauce to be canned. Ma asked to stir. The little box crate at her feet is protecting her legs from the heat. They ask us to come back the next day, as there's a festival. | ||
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Aug24-0148.jpg [49k, 480x360] |
Aug24-0149.jpg [42k, 480x360] |
Aug24-0150.jpg [45k, 480x360] |